DOOM is a reboot of the first-person shooter series and it consists of three parts, accessed and loaded separately from the main menu: a single-player campaign, multiplayer with different game modes, and the SnapMap editor where custom maps and game modes can be created and shared. Doom Eternal secrets: All Praetor Suit Point locations.
Any% New Game + All Secrets 100% Legacy There are the following collectible types in Doom: 79 Secrets, 26 Collectibles (Doll Models), ~40 Data Logs, 36 Elite Guards (Praetor Upgrades), 12 Argent … Jump across to find the lever, and the entrance directly below. Full-game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard View all The UAC Resource Operations Foundry Argent Facility Argent Energy Tower Kadingir Sanctum Argent Facility (Destroyed) Advanced Research Complex.